Inti Raymi Fund visited Peru and provided financial support for the complete construction of a new community center for the Quechua People in the mountain village of Ampay (near Pisac), Peru.
Peru, the place that stole my heart, that renews my soul and spirit. It allows me to be free and think like a free man, without constraints, where every day is a new beginning; where, I can begin again and follow the path I was intended to take. I can fly and I can dream. This is where it began for me, this journey. The womb of this land gave birth to the idea of the Inti Raymi Fund; it grew until it became tangible. Every moment and every action has lead me to be here, and to do this
— Chimu
NEW COMMUNITY CENTER ( this was our first Inti Raymi Fund Project)
High in the Andean Mountains of Peru, sits the small village of Ampay. This is a hard-working, self-sustaining agricultural community, of Quechua descent. This proud community is situated at roughly 10,000ft altitude and experiences harsh winters and heavy rainy seasons.
After visiting with the community and its elders on multiple occasions, the collective decision was made by the village to construct a quality all-weather Community Center which the residents could be proud of. This Community Center was constructed by the local villagers of Ampay, Peru, with all materials sourced locally and funded by the Inti Raymi Fund. This new Community Center is now used by all local residents, for a variety of special events within the village. As the words community center suggests, it is used for weddings, funerals, birthdays and a variety of other special gatherings, which allow the community to stay connected…a sense of community. It was constructed of a durable cement foundation, brick walls with a stucco veneer, hardwood floors, natural exposed wood beam ceilings and a ceramic tile roof. It provides all villagers a sense of pride as the center for future generations to enjoy and share.
Upon completion of the community center, the Inti Raymi Fund was invited back to Ampay to participate in the inauguration or “key handing over ceremony”. The festivities lasted all afternoon and into the evening as we celebrated with the entire 800 residents of Ampay with a Cuy or “guinea pig” dinner for everyone.