Our mission at the Inti Raymi Fund is to help People. An extension of this mission, would be to help you realize your dreams of helping People too. If the Inti Raymi Fund can help you help People, then we’ve facilitated more good in the world. Good is good, no matter what part of the process you are involved with.
The Inti Raymi Fund will continue to do our Projects globally because this is what we enjoy most, helping People directly. Additionally, by showing our projects on this site, we hope to inspire you to get directly involved and inspire you to find your philanthropic niche. We realize this may be a daunting task for some. To get you started, we believe it may be easier if you had an empathetic “trail hardened” resource who you could use along this journey if needed so we’re here for you.
After traveling to over 90 countries, leading countless expeditions and completing over 86 projects in 74 countries, the Inti Raymi Fund has a lot of experience to draw upon. Each country, geographic region, religious paradigm and political state all have their own set of issues and risks to navigate. Fortunately, the more you engage the community you are there to help, and the more you let go of your control in the process, the easier your work will become.
Our goal is simply your success which will drive your continued service for People. If we help you facilitate your dreams and goals, you’ll continue to help over and over again. To this end, please know we are available to help you help People if you ever wish to discuss any aspects of your process and your objectives. All of our consultation work is totally free of charge and free of guilt for those who are serious about changing the world and for those who dare to try.
Respectfully, Chimu